Schlagwort-Archive: new iPad

iPad 2 Pod

I love LEGO since… well forever, I guess. It’s with me since early childhood days, and I passed the virus on to my son, who last year started to make his first steps with stop-motion animation. He handled my professional equipment so well, but for obvious reasons (I happen to need it for work) does not have access to it, whenever he would like to play around. That’s not ok. Since we own an iPad 2, we came up with an alternative solution we would like to share:


to enlarge, click on the picture

Here are the building instructions: iPad-2-Pod or in a new window/tab
Alternatively, here is the LegoDigitalDesigner-File: LDD-iPad-2-Pod (right click and „Save as“, you know)

We did also build a LEGO-3D-Rig and will post instructions and examples later this year, but first some further explanations on this one.

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