Schlagwort-Archive: Moonlight Kingdom

Best films I saw in 2012 (not necessarily from that year)

A year ago I had one film in particular on my watch list: MOONRISE KINGDOM by Wes Anderson. And I’m afraid it’s his first movie that didn’t work for me. There’s plenty of great moments and scenes as usual, but this time it didn’t fit together as a movie for me. But it’s still my favorite trailer of the year I guess. Ok, maybe not fair, because the trailer was from 2011. Ok, then I praise the great teaser and trailer of another Anderson instead: THE MASTER by P.T. Anderson – after the images and performance bits from Joaquin Phoenix I wanted to see this one sooo badly. A teaser that didn’t try to tell you something, which just gave a taste of something, something big. Which turned out to be more boring than big. At least to me. But hands down for the fantastic trailer.

Scharfrichterhaus-Kinosaal, Passau
In the 90s I was a regular at this small cinema in Bavaria…

So if none of those mentioned above made it to the top movies of 2012, which did?

Best films I saw in 2012 (not necessarily from that year) weiterlesen